
Galapagos Kayaking

Paddle through Evolution

If you like to paddle, we can easily integrate kayaking or standup paddle boarding to your personalized Galapagos islands itinerary.

Kayaking on Finch Bay, Puerto Ayora.
Kayaking on Finch Bay, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz, Isabela, San Cristobál and even Floreana have paddling options that can be incorporated into your Galapagos vacation.

Get a water-level view of the Galapagos marine life.
Get a water-level view of the Galapagos marine life.

One of our itinerary specialist will be happy to discuss all of our Galapagos paddling options with you.

"Was like having your best friend showing you his home. It was fun, memorable and we couldn't imagine touring the Galapagos any other way."
- Starline
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